Web Design Services

Beauty, speed, functional, and responsive. These are the four key tenets that drive and inspire our designs of each and every website we build for you. They also make up the foundation of our web design services.

Web Design Services

Beauty, speed, functional, and responsive. These are the four key tenets that drive and inspire our designs of each and every website we build for you. They also make up the foundation of our web design services.

Web Design Services Overview

Web Design Services Overview

Your website is your online home, and the center of your online operations. It’s the hub that connects the disparate pockets of spaces your brand lives in across the web. It’s also the online gateway to your clients and customers. To a business looking to thrive in today’s digital landscape, a website is everything. Thus, this part of your online world is important to keep functioning smoothly.

Here at RHS Consulting Group, we understand the need to have a website that not only is beautiful, but also fast, stable, and functional. We specialize in building such websites for our clients. After building the website, the buck doesn’t stop there–ongoing maintenance is key! As such, we continue to monitor and update the website to keep it operating at peak performance.

Your website is your online home, and the center of your online operations. It’s the hub that connects the disparate pockets of spaces your brand lives in across the web. It’s also the online gateway to your clients and customers. To a business looking to thrive in today’s digital landscape, a website is everything. Thus, this part of your online world is important to keep functioning smoothly.

Here at RHS Consulting Group, we understand the need to have a website that not only is beautiful, but also fast, stable, and functional. We specialize in building such websites for our clients. After building the website, the buck doesn’t stop there–ongoing maintenance is key! As such, we continue to monitor and update the website to keep it operating at peak performance.

man typing on a laptop, working on a web page

Web design services to give you peace of mind

Web design services to give you peace of mind

As a business-owner, you have several things on your plate concerning your business. Why add building and maintaining a functioning website onto that plate? We handle everything that happens with your website, from layout design and image uploading to writing copy and performing security updates. You can rest assured and spend your time and energy on actually running your business.

For us, making sure that you have peace of mind is top of mind!

Some problems we solve for our clients

Some problems we solve for our clients

Problem: Design that looks unprofessional

Why is this a problem?: Unprofessional web design can drive potential customers away from your website. An unprofessional design can make a business look disreputable (“Is this a real website or a phishing site? If their website is like this, how does their actual business look?”), and can even prevent them from getting to your product or service (“I can’t click on the Buy button. I want to buy the product, but they’re not letting me. They must not want my money.”).

Solution: We work together with you to design the website in a manner that best suits your business. We do this by first, learning about your business. What type of business do you run? Is it a product-based or service-based business? What is most important to get in front of potential customers’ eyes as soon as possible? What do you want your potential customers to do: buy a product? Sign-up for a newsletter? Fill out a contact form? After we understand your business, we look at your competitors’ and peers’ websites to determine what you like and dislike, design-wise. Once we have a plan of action, we wireframe your website and review it with you for feedback, which we implement for the next review. This process is repeated back-and-forth through out the design process until the final website design is complete!

Problem: Something that used to work before is broken

Why is this a problem?: If your website’s functionality is compromised, potential and especially returning customers may get frustrated and leave for a competitor, losing you a sale. The longer the website is out of order, the lower your sales conversion rates, which could be devastating to your business’s revenue.

Solution: Key features of websites can sometimes break due to a back-end update. As part of our web design service, we perform routine checks and maintenance on your website. Examples of what is done during these routine processes are: install security updates, install patch fixes, fix broken features (buttons, shopping cart features, unexpected layout changes, font issues, links, etc.), monitor website traffic statistics, monitor website loading speed statistics (for both mobile and desktop), and review potential security vulnerabilities, among many other things. Your website working normally should be the bare minimum of expectations. We ensure that it’s never a concern for you. After all, giving you peace of mind, for us, is top of mind!

Other problems we solve for our clients

Other problems we solve for our clients


As the central hub of your business on the web, your website serves many different purposes for both you and your customers. When your website is not built properly, you lose potential customers. Over the years, we have built and iterated upon our web design service process to avoid many pitfalls associated with a poorly functioning website. These are some of the pitfalls–or problems–we avoid or mitigate:

Poor design: This turns into a UX (user experience) issue down the road. If UX is poor, the user (your potential or returning customers) will leave for a website that provides a better experience.

Poor accessibility: Desktop users are not the highest demographic of web surfers in a long time–mobile users are, and they have been for a very long time. Websites of today must be highly responsive and able to adapt to meet the needs of mobile users. If mobile users cannot access your website, you are effectively locking out more than 50% of internet traffic and keeping them from accessing your business!

Communication issues: Any business you hire that goes MIA or is slow to respond back to your inquiries can be catastrophic for you. With web design firms and agencies, a missed communication with a late (or no) follow-up can result in a bad product launch, an ineffective sales campaign, and many other problems, ultimately costing your business some much-needed revenue.

Poor value: What you are being charged does not track with the quality of products or services being delivered to you. The value proposition must make sense, or else it feels like you are throwing your money away.

Lack of business understanding: Your business must be understood by the web design firm or agency in order to provide solutions and options that are tailored for the business’s needs. A one-size-fits-all approach cannot be applied here.

Benefits of good web design

On the other hand, a well-designed website brings many benefits, both for you and your potential customers! A well thought-out design that executes as planned provides these benefits:

• Better inquiries, sales, conversions, and execution of call-to-actions.

• Enhanced representation of your business, company, or organization.

• Improved brand awareness.

• Faster roll-out of promotions, products, sales campaigns, etc.

• Increased traffic and leads to your business, expanding your online reach.

• Increased customer satisfaction from good UX.

Our process

Our process

Our process starts with getting to know you and your business in an initial consultation call. We learn your wants, needs, and expectations, which we then use to form a “north star” for the project. This north star serves to always guide the direction of the project. In addition to the north star, we also keep you involved in every step of the process, to ensure that the project is meeting your expectations. Once we understand your needs, we begin the next phase of the project: planning.

wireframe design of a website on a tablet


We create wireframes and sitemaps to outline your website’s layout. This includes the position of elements (buttons, text, etc.) on pages, the location of pages, and applying parent/child designations to pages, to name a few. In addition, we develop extra pagetypes to facilitate expansion of the website at a later time.

woman working on designs on a laptop and sketchpad


We add your logo, branding, graphics, and brand colors to the design doc. As always, we work with you throughout this process to define and meet your design expectations.

man implementing the "About Me" section of a website on desktop


We build the actual website according to the approved specifications in the design doc. We usually start with the most important page for your business (typically, the home page), obtain your approval, and develop the other pages from there.

woman's hand on a computer mouse


We test all web pages and all the elements of the website on a variety of web browsers and devices.

white, gold, and silver balloons flying in the air in celebration


On your chosen date and time, we “turn the website on” and make it live! From this point on, we move into continued maintenance of the website until there is a need for an expansion or re-design.

From beginning to end, we involve you in the process of building and designing your website. In this collaborative process, there is no room for catastrophic error. We are on the same page and any concerns are sorted out before moving to the next phase of the project. This ensures that the finished product aligns perfectly with your needs and values, and you can launch the website knowing full well that everything is in order.

What’s next?

What’s next?

Ideas for a project? Contact us today!

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